How to cleanse Candida Overgrowth
You are probably reading this because you just recently became aware of what Candida Overgrowth is and if you haven't make sure to go read what it is. Now your probably wondering what the heck causes this crazy overgrowth in our bodies that causes many health issues. Remember every bite we take is either fighting or feeding diseases.
Here are some ways we are left with an Candida Overgrowth
Eating a diet high in refined carbohydrates and sugar
Consuming a lot of alcohol
Taking oral contraceptives
Eating a diet high in beneficial fermented foods (like Kombucha, sauerkraut, and pickles)
Living a high-stress lifestyle
Taking a round of antibiotics that killed too many of those friendly bacteria
​Now that you are aware of what causes Candida to over grow now you can be more aware as to what to put in your body.
As we have come to know Candida Overgrowth is Yeast and what does yeast thrive off of.....SUGAR and CARBS!! That is what keeps it living and growing. So first step is to eliminate sugar and BAD carbs out of your body. Shoot for more healthier complex carbs such as Quinoa, brown rice, beans, lentils, etc. and keep it at 1 cup per day.
I also recommend eliminating all fermented foods. That’s because, while it’s common knowledge that these help to feed the good bacteria, most people don’t realize that bad bacteria feed off of these as well.
Still, using diet alone could take three to six months before it is back under control. So, I often recommend that my patients use an anti-fungal supplement such as Gano or Chaga. They both are powerful herbs. They are called the anti king of medicine. All natural with no side effects and will cleanse the candida out of your body. They work great together because Chaga will break down the toxins and Gano surrounds it and hauls it away. So together they are the beast mode toxin janitor for your body.
What I recommend to all my clients is to start with three of each a day for 30 days while making a lifestyle change as well.